Thursday, October 6, 2011

Photoshop Editting!

I decided to do some edits for the 2nd side of the CD. I chose some pop artists and tried to make an album cover from them.

I liked the first edit alot. This is One Direction that have been very successful after Xfactor.
I think this is a picture snapped of them when they were simply walking down the street. They probably weren't expecting it. If they were having a picture taken for an album cover, they would probably go to a proper photoshoot, but I still thought this was a good photo to use.
Firstly, I wanted to put the focus on the band. I lasso'd the band and changed the hue to a green colour. I then outlined the band with orange, because I think it clashes with green and should make the stand out. I then decided I wanted it to look like their picture had been cut out and stuck on there. I did this by adding a shadow.
Another way I made them stand out was to blur and change the background. I used a 'wind' effect after blurring. This also effect the image of the band, but I didn't change it because I thought it looked good.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Today I was thinking about ideas for the album covers. It was a nice day, so I thought I'd go out and get started on the alternative side of the CD.
I saw my brothers guitar and thought about going out to take pictures of that in places in the area I live. To make this more interesting, I painted onto the guitar. When I was painting the design onto the guitar, I wanted it to be colourful and simple, but have a 'happy' feel to it. At first I painted round my hands and added patterns into the middle of them. I then thought that it was too busy and I didn't like the patterns. I got a cloth and washed it off. When trying again, I decided that just painting the hand shapes one colour would be enough. The dots/splats around it were added because I thought that part of the guitar looked empty but I didn't want to add swirls or flowers.
Here is a picture of what it looked like at the end;
I will probably do a few different designs on it because I like this idea alot. I may take this guitar to lots of different places and try to find a really interesting place for it.

I have tried out editing afew of the pictures I took of the guitar. These are my favorites so far;

I like this one because you get a good look at the patterns I painted on this guitar. I also like it because it's colourful but simple. It's simple because it doesn't have a complicated background or too much going on, it's just a guitar with hands painted on.
One thing I wish wasn't on there was the spot of light at the bottom. It doesn't ruin the photo and probably wouldn't make it tonnes better, but I still wish it wasn't there.

I like this one alot, mainly because it's at an unusual angle.
I edited the lighting and it's made the guital look a nicer colour than it actually is. I think it gives it a nice early autumn feel, where the first picture gives a summer-y feel. From research I've done, alot of compilation CDs often feature the season they have been released in. Although this wasn't my intention when taking the pictures, I'm glad I thought of the idea of putting some fallen leaves over the guitar.
You can't see the pattern very well because of the leaves covering the bottom of the guitar, but I like how it's covered the main part of the pattern and only showing the spots at the top. The photo might have looked too busy with the pattern, leaves, grass and neck of the guitar all in it.
