Thursday, August 18, 2011

Good and Bad Album Covers?

Today i'm going to research what makes an good album cover, and what makes a bad album cover in my opinion.
I say in my opinion because I think some people might prefer certain things for different reasons. They might like a big title so they know which CD it is if they have bad eye sight, and someone else might think it looks better simple and without a huge title.

When I think of an album cover that would catch my eye, I think of a bright album cover with an interesting or funny picture on the front which clearly has the band/artists name on the front. I love colour because I think it makes a CD stand out from others, and colour just makes it look pretty in my opinion. When i'm looking for a CD, it helps if the title or artist name stands out because I have bad eye sight so if I'm look for a particular one, I can save a lot of time looking. They probably don't mean to have big titles on it for that though, the artist probably just thinks it looks good themselves.

When I think of what i'd consider a bad album cover, I think of one that just looks cheesy. Like a Highschool Musical cover. I don't mind album covers with the artist on them, but covers with some kind of art or photograph appeal to me much more.

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