Sunday, September 4, 2011

Pop Compilation Albums

These Pop Party CDs have been around since I was in primary school, I loved them!
They're like the Now! CDs except they have a younger audience, but the have a lot of the same music.
I think they're for a younger audience because I listened to them when I was younger, and they're very colourful and have younger kids 'idols' on the front like Miley Cyrus, Justin Beiber and JLS.
I think I will use alot of colour on the pop genre side. But I don't want the target audience to be the same as this album.

This is a random compilation CD I found. I haven't seen it or heard of it before.
It's just the type of CD you can put on when you're sunbathing, or driving to the coast. Or that's what it looks like to me anyway.
The picture on the front makes you wish you were on holiday!
I don't think I will be taking any ideas from this for my final piece. It's nice for the 'Summer Hits' but I don't think it would suit what I'm wanting on mine.

These are probably the most well-known compilation CDs. I've written a little bit of information about them before, they're released several times a year, and feature the top 40 in the charts at that moment. They have 2 CDs in them. The number '79' on this one means it is the 79th to be released.
I like the cover of this because it's colourful and the season it was released in is clear by the flip-flops on the front. This was most likely released in the summer.
I like how the title is huge and it's colourful. I will definately put that into my album cover.

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